about me

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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

27 September 2010

Thanks to Laura...

The week we moved I had some professional pictures taken of JJO by my good friend Laura. It was so funny to watch her catch his attention, make him laugh and then keep him smiling for a whole 10 seconds! Like I said... she's a professional. My favorite part of the day was watching JJO give Laura his "cheesy" grin, when he scrunches his nose and squints his eyes... he was definitely working the camera.

Here are a few of my favorites... although it was hard to choose.

the cheesy grin...

I am realizing how hard it is to capture a moment with a s-l-o-w camera that snaps the picture 2 seconds too late. Any recommendations for a more professional camera that a not so clever mom could capture a moment with?


Fae said...

I've got the Nikon D80, my dad has the D90, N90 and the D40x, father-in-law has the D200. Nikon puts out awesome cameras that are user friendly. The Cannons are good too but I come from a Nikon family. Good luck!

Brooke said...

I just got the d9000 . . . love it and love 2 posts in a row. JJO is stinkin' cute!

James.Megan.Ava.Fischer said...

Those pictures are so cute and little J is just darling. Hope you're liking your new home.

Jenny said...

These are great! JJO looks adorable!

Tessy said...

You're boy is freakin adorable....soooo effin cute!!! And I've seen a lot a lot of kids in my day working in the child care profession so I don't give compliments to ugly kids!!!

Sarah said...

Gosh I miss you guys! He's bigger and looks older already!

p.s. I sent you a blog invite today :)

Sarah said...

Gosh I miss you guys! He's bigger and looks older already!

p.s. I sent you a blog invite today :)