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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

14 May 2010

Life with a 6 (and a 1/2) month old

Loving that my baby...
sleeps 7-7 these days
lights up when he sees his mom
gets really loud while in his highchair in the morning eating cheerios
is super ticklish
loves bathtime
can sit up by himself and nothing else (mom tells me to enjoy every minute of immobilization)
knows how great his dad is
stands up while holding my fingers and then looks around like "hey... look at me... I stand"
makes farting noises with his lips
laughs hysterically at Louie
loves to eat... i can't believe he doesn't weigh more
sits calmly when we read to him
forgets that he can roll over and then gets mad that I've laid him down
already prefers my keys and cell phone above his toys
razzes rather than criesn
pinches me when I'm nursing him
pinches the backs of my arms... oh wait, I don't love the pinching
kicks his shoes off as soon as i put them on and smiles as if it's some sort of game
stares at strangers and drools (in the way you try to teach kids is impolite)
flies like a champ
follows me when someone else is holding him like "where are you going? don't leave me."
grabs faces (particularly funny when he grabs old people faces and gets a handful of excess skin)
arches his back and makes everything awkward
loves ABC's the best (I guess it's catchy, but favorite?... weird)
loves walks
laughs at my serious voice
laughs when I hide behind the bed and jump up saying "BOO!" and startle him
laughs when I dance and sing for him
laughs through tears when I try to distract him from whatever is making him cry
laughs when I make up songs
smiles his adorable smile when we get him out of his crib in the morning

Lots of love going on here... nothing but for the past 6 1/2 months.

p.s. These pictures were all taken during mine and Jonathan's trip to Washington D.C. to visit the Andersons... hence the reason Jake is missing from these photos.
p.p.s. Thanks to Miranda for taking ALL the pictures on this trip - she's got skills... and a nice camera.
p.p.p.s. maybe I'll start blogging more... ha! good one.


Mikki said...

I've been waiting for more updates :) He is darling!

PS. I love your hair!

Erin said...

OK - when you have a little guy that is THAT cute you really owe it to him to be blogging more. :) What a doll Kristine! And you are in my absolute favorite stage. Out of newborn land and before they are mobile. It really is the best. Kole is 6 weeks and I'm SO TIRED. What I wouldn't give for a little 7-7 love right about now. Your baby is darling. Your pictures are darling. Your hair is darling. That about sums it up!

Miranda said...

What a doll. We miss you two! I got Milo those stacking cups from Ikea and he loves them. Bath time was never so fun! Hope to see you guys sometime soon...maybe August.

James.Megan.Ava.Fischer said...

He's such a cutie. I would love to see him (and you) in person. I'm coming home in about a week. I'll call when i get into town and hopefully we can plan something then.

Keri Cannon said...

He is so stinking cute! Isn't this the best age. My babies sound exactly like yours. As far as running, I go early in the morning. Its the only time I can. Its my stress reliever :) Many days I want to sleep in, but 3-4 days a week I wake up to run and never regret it. You look amazing!

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

okay so when the heck are we going to hang out? Did your hubby tell you i saw him at the jazz game awhile back??? Jonathon is so cute, and i love your hair.