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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

20 October 2010

Park Day

I think I've mentioned several times that we have the convenience of a park right next door to us. So on those afternoons when Jonathan is stir crazy, I'm stir crazy and we have no errands to run we make an extra trip to the park. We are there almost every day:-). My (almost) one year old is not yet walking, but can crawl at record breaking speed! He darts from the sandbox to the slide to the swing set and back again. Needless to say we are always worn out and sweating when we leave the park. I am loving watching Jonathan explore and discover (don't love when he discovers things with his mouth - but with his eyes and hands I'm ok). He loves to swing high, slide fast with mom and toss sticks into the sandbox. I love being this baby's mama!

I have to laugh at how huge my face always looks in these self portraits:-). Behind the gargantuous nose is my face.

How can you not love this face?

Boys and trucks... I will never understand:-)

And we're taking a break... love me some baby thighs

Notice the rosy cheeks - we play hard

Getting ready to wish this little man a Happy Birthday next week! Greatest year of my life!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Cute little guy! Wish we could meet at the park with our boys. I think they would get along swimmingly. :)