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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

27 October 2010

Top 25 things I've learned in my first year of motherhood

25. Nursing is not easy. But once I got the hang of it I really loved it.
24. "Mother's Instinct" is a real thing. And when Jonathan was 2 weeks old it kicked into high gear when he had a 102.7 fever and ended up in Primary Children's for 72 hours with a UTI.
23. Sleep is precious. I am aware of how lucky I am to have a baby that started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks and has only woken me up a few times since then in the wee hours of the night.
22. It's ok to disrupt the "schedule." It may end up being one really long day when that baby misses a nap or goes to bed late, but it's not the en of the world.
21. Church becomes the longest 3 hours of the whole week. Seriously, it gives me anxiety.
20. I still have time to do things I need to do. (I need to exercise, I need to go on excursions, I need to "research" on the internet, I need to wander around the mall today...)
19. On the other hand - somedays it's ok not to shower:-)
18. There is no such thing as running a "quick errand" anymore. Do I have snacks? Do I have diapers? A book? A toy? Sweatshirt? Binky? Bottle? Just in case...
17. I hate unsolicited advice. Please don't stop me in the park to tell me the sun is in my son's eyes. I'm not purposely torturing him, but we do have to walk westward to get home... thank you very much.
16. It's not all about me. I realize how selfish I've been all my life. I now care more about what is best for someone else more than me.
15. Father/Son relationships are so sweet. There is nothing more exciting around here than watching Jonathan light up when Jake walks through the door after a long day at work. Jonathan crawls so fast towards his dad that he often falls over himself because his arms can't move as fast as his little legs.
14. Date nights are a treasured event. I can count the number of date nights we've had one finger since we've moved. It was so great to have a night out together... and then spend the entire night talking about Jonathan.
13. Babies are the best alarm clock. I have no problem waking up to a happy singing child.
12. Giggling is the best cure for a bad day. I could be having a totally "off" day or homesick day or "blah" day, and somehow hearing Jonathan giggle can cure whatever is bothering me.
11. Poop, throw-up and boogers aren't that bad... when it's your own kid. And also, when your husband gets puked on, then holds your baby like a football saying "what do I do, what do I do??" it makes for a good laugh.
10. There is no such thing as a 'sick day.' It was a great thing when I would call in sick to work and just lay on the couch all day watching movies and sleeping until I started to feel better. I realize it doesn't work like that as a mom.
9. Buying magnetic letters for a 1st birthday was dumb. All that has happened since putting them on the fridge is Jonathan removing them, me putting them back, Jonathan removing them, me putting them back. Do you see the pattern here??
8. Buying something for my child is as exciting as buying something for myself. I love baby shopping.
7. Babies are the best excuse. "Oh we can't stay long, this guy's gotta go to bed." "Sorry I didn't answer when you called, I was changing a diaper." "You're selling magazines? I'd love to, but my baby ate my checkbook. Sorry!"
6. Baby necessities are pricey. Remember the show Supermarket Sweep? I now realize why diapers and formula were always the first items in the shopping cart. I would rule that game!
5. When my child gets hurt or sick, I wish it was me instead.
4. The worst comment someone made to me when I was pregnant was "enjoy the baby while it's still inside... once they come out you're life is forever changed." Duh. Obviously a child is going to change my life. And I much prefer him now rather than pinching nerves and kicking my bladder.
3. Sometimes reading the same books over and over again gets boring. How many times can we go on a Bear Hunt or watch the Caterpillar eat his heart out? I suggest reading with a new accent each time. I'm currently working on my british accent.
2. The stretch marks are definitely worth it. (And when I am done having kids it will definitely be worth the money to have them corrected.)
1. There is nothing more heart-melting than the look my baby gives me when I walk in his room after his nap or first thing in the morning. It's as if he hasn't seen me in days and couldn't be more excited that I'm there. I love it. Even when he has pulled off his diaper and peed in the crib.


Let the Good Times Roll said...

That was fun to read, and so true!!!

Chelsea said...

I loved that! It's so true and you're such a sweet mother!

Brooke said...

Love #6 I used to watch that show every day in the summer . . . I'd love to challenge you cause I'm pretty sure I'd rock!

Sarah said...

Loved this!!

Sarah said...

Loved this!!

Tyler and Dru said...

loved reading this! it makes me so excited for motherhood. i'm so happy to hear that you are enjoying your little one so much!! glad you are well!