about me

My photo
we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

03 November 2010

A shout out...

to the person who calms me down when I get frustrated
encourages me to step out of my comfort zone when he knows
how badly I want something
goes on walks with me
does the dishes every night
goes to work every day and lets me be home with Jonathan
lets me get out of the house when he can tell I need a break
cherishes his family
always compliments my dinners
(even when I know they don't deserve it)
has a better sense of fashion than me
plays "throw the balls down the stairs" over and over again with JJO
hugs me when I cry
always lets me order first
watches Dancing with the Stars with me
explains sports to me
listens to me when I vent
reads my mind and takes me to get a treat
calls to say "hi"
encourages me to be better at reading my scriptures
(I'm the worst...)
is just as stubborn as me
holds my arm when we cross the street as protection
remembers something I said days, weeks, months ago
washes my car for me
sends me picture texts of something funny daily
and loves me despite my many faults!
Happy 3rd Anniversary to my Jake! You make every day better than the last and I love you.


Kate said...

I love it! I am glad you have such a great man. See I am reading your blog :)

Miranda said...

darling. happy anniversary! i can't wait to see you guys around the festivities.