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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

06 January 2010

brand new year...

I recently decided (and by recently, I mean less than 10 minutes ago) that one of my goals for 2010 is to be more consistent with my blog... maybe once a month to start off and then I can increase from there... if I feel like it. Other goals include fixing my tummy area so that it doesn't "jiggle like a bowl full of jelly" when I laugh, reading more, tivo-ing less, cooking more, dining out less, playing with baby J more, working less and so on... But now I actually have something to blog about, so that goal should be easy to attain.

So, it's week one of 2010 and I'm off to a rocky start... hopefully this week is not the beginning of a trend for me this year. The year started with a cold... one I am still trying to kick. It was followed by two restless nights of Jonathan being a stinker and waking up multiple times through the night, even though he knows he much prefers sleeping until 6:30am. He then remembered that he prefers to sleep all night, but I was up on my own instead with a pile of tissues next to me, sneezes that could send a person across a room and a sore throat. These symptoms may sound horrible, but no head cold could possibly be more miserable than the first week back at work without baby J.

Like I said... not off to a good start in 2010. I was reading another blog and got an idea to choose a one word goal for the new year. My word is going to be "optimism." I can think of plenty of reasons to complain and stress, so I'm going strive to turn my focus towards the positive. I want to remember the good that can come from things rather than the bad. It is unfortunate that I am sick, but it's been an excuse to leave work early every day this week so I can see Jonathan even sooner! (I didn't say it is always EASY to find the good in a situation).

Also in 2010 there will be plenty of pictures of this stud to go around:


Ryan and Staci said...

I like that one word for the year theme....I just might try that. :) Hope you feel better soon, I hate being sick.

For My Little Family said...

He is such a cutie! It is hard to be away from your baby, but it makes the times you're with them THAT much better :) Chin up! 2010 will be an awesome year.

Willa's Workshop said...

Oh my goodness, it has been too long since I've seen you because I barely recognize that little babe! He is so darling and getting the cutest little cheeks! I demand a reunion right away! Stephen can wear his matching PJs (my favorite, btw, but considerably tighter on all his rolls) and we can catch up. Call me.

Christian and Brooke Bowers said...

I'm already impressed!

Erin said...

Kris he is too adorable! Loved your Christmas card. So sorry you've been sick. I've been crippled with a bad knee and arm so I feel your pain. We'll both feel better though and optimism is a great word for the new year! (My word is "survive") I'm jealous you aren't pregnant anymore. Don't stress about your stomach - it comes off - slowly but surely it will come off and you will be skinny once again. And then you'll get pregnant and do it all over. It's insane. And wonderful. Happy New Year to you! I'll look forward to your once a month posts. ;)

Meier Family said...

Kristine he is so dang cute!!! Congrats! Love his smiles....he's a good mix of both of you! You look amazing...(as always) Keep in touch!:)

Chelsea said...

Your boy is darling!! Happy New Year, I'm excited to be seeing more of your fun blog posts;)