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we are a family of three and thrilled to introduce our newest family member arriving february 2012!

25 January 2010

To dream...

Every year on December 31st I get overly excited to set some achievable yet challenging goals and really stick to them for the year. 2010 was no different. I thought of some goals (although I must be getting lazy because this year I didn't even write them down) and I was ready to workout more and stop eating dessert after every meal. And then I woke up on New Years Day with a cold. I don't know about anyone else, but the last thing I want to worry about when I am sick is getting a good workout and eating vegetables. I want to sit on my couch and eat Noodle Soup (with about 10,000g of sodium) and buttery toast. And if dessert will make me feel better (mentally not physically) I will eat that too. So, needless to say... January wasn't quite the start to the new year I was anticipating.
And so... come February 1st I am a new woman! I will workout more and eat less dessert (it's not realisitic to rule it out completely - I'd be setting myself up for failure!) And if I fail in February... there is always March and April and May and....well, you get the point.

Another goal... spend more time with the most handsomest, happiest and overall best baby that ever lived. I have been back to work part-timish this month and I have never missed a person more! Luckily we will have more time to spend together also beginning in February. I can tell February is really going to be my month!
Jonathan is 3 months old and on Saturday morning he decided to rollover from his tummy to back... I have video but can't figure out how to add it to my blog. The reason for the video?? Mom missed this major milestone!! There may have been tears... major tears when this certain mother found out she missed the big event. Sigh...
Here are some recent faves of the little man.

This HOT onesie was the first item we bought when we found out I was pregnant. We were at Venice Beach and thought it would be fun to get him a souvenir. This onesie was washed at least 5 times before entering the nursery:)

Big Utah fan.

Staring at the TV... football to be exact.

Sometimes we go shirtless. How else can he show off those ripped abs?!?!

And a personal favorite.... like father, like son. Too cute!


Let the Good Times Roll said...

He's darling Kristine. So are you still working? Call me - we should get together soon, we only live a block away. Funny Tallie rolled over last week too.

Erin said...

What a doll. Abs and everything! I hope February is fabulous for you! As for me, eating better goals this year will start in April...after the baby is born. Have I told you lately how lucky you are to not be pregnant anymore???

Bonnie said...

Kristine, your little boy is a sweetheart! He is so precious and I bet your mom and dad are crazy about him.
Let me tell you something funny...I missed Austin rolling over for the first time too. I remember thinking: Here I am teaching 5 year olds while a babysitter is tending Ausin and I am missing important milestones in his life...this hurts! But, don't beat yourself up...he will roll over again, and walk and say his first words...and you might not see it all the very first time, but you will see it. Guilt is the worst part of being a mom. Cut yourself some slack.
I can't wait to see you and little Jonathan so come and see us soon!

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Love the shirtless picture. Look at those MUSCLES!!!! Woo-hoo...he is adorable. I can't wait to meet him!

Miranda said...

Can't wait to talk to you again!
Traffic is inevitable, so you know it will be soon!

Ryan and Staci said...

He is a cutie! Better watch out with those shirtless pictures - the ladies will be flocking to those muscles. :)

Keri Cannon said...

He is so stinkin cute!!! Its hard to leave them. I just stopped working bc it was getting too hard for me. Yes the sleeping is frustrating bc they were both sleeping through the night and now no more!! Hopefully it will change back!

katie said...

oh he is a doll! i wish that i had been able to see him at christmas. hope you guys are doing well. and i love the pic of the two of them in their matching outfits. a-dorable.

Trixie said...

Your son is precious! He is an angel, and he looks so happy! The last picture is so adorable. God bless your family!

Keri Cannon said...

yea for being done with work! Now our true jobs begin :) Keep in touch!!

Shannon and Cameron said...

Hey! I haven't checked your blog in forever! Your little babe is absolutely adorable! I wish I could see him in person. Congratulations a few months late. Isn't it so fun!!! The jiggly tummy is the WORST and I want to know everyones secret that gets it to dissapear. It might involve starvation and only drinking only water? Don't get me wrong... I've thought about it...

Hope you are well, he is soooo cute!

Barton Family said...

He is so cute Kristine!! I want to meet your little man. I am hoping that he will be making an appearance at Sara's shower on Saturday. Hopefully you'll be there. Hope all is well. Paul told me today that Jake's wake board is in our garage. Maybe that can be our excuse to get together!